Hamid Reza Safipoor
- Construction Managment
- Civil Engineering
- Luxuary custom homes consulting
- Senior Real-Estate Broker at Re/max Hallmark Ltd. number 53 world Ranking 2018 and 2019
Early Life and Education:
- He got his Master degree in Design -Transporting Managment (Traffic Engineering ) Graduated 1997
- Civil Engineering ( Bachelor degree ) 1994
– Math Diploma from Kamal ( High school ) - IQ and Smart Test at High school first Rank 1987 and 1988 Tehran Iran Among 600,000 students
- Nominated to join to Physics and Math Olempia 2 years on the row
- Studying at the same time to prepare himself to continue his education in Medical school but finally decided to go Engineering Feild
- Learning English as a second language early primary school
- Was studying hard to elevate his knowledge about innovations and Technogy.
- His hobbies since 3-4 year old Boy ,Cars and Photography and started collecting car toys collection and camera ( filming and photo cameras)
- Very emotional and sensitive
- Kind, soft heart, generous
He started his own first job as a Teacher after high school and started teaching in same high school been graduated a year after established his own first Un official private teaching under TAHA private teaching got help from all class mates to create jobs also more benefits After 3 years he has been approached by well known private school Mazidi and he sold his first company which was only contact numbers and teachers , After Graduated from university started his formal job as civil engineering , At the same time studying his Master.
He became a project manager to build over 8-10 TV stodios for TV stations channel 2 and channel 4 & 5 also TV towers.
Now he is running Safipoor holding Which is so active in Real/estate and Development and on the other companies actively managing art and culture and non profit organizations supporting art and culture.
Personal Life:
He is coming from a Educated parents who were teachers and always proud of his family both side parents which were second cousins too.
Awards and Recognitions:
- Number 51 and 25 Team leader in Re/max Hallmark.among 100000 Realtors widely all world included 8000 active offices for 2 years. On the Row 2018, and 2019
- second place in Kick boxing world wide in Indonesia championship Got silver medal
- early 2024 could get his pilot licencing as a private pilot
- Human right certifications for businesses advisory.
Publications or Media Appearances:
He was running a tv show on Toronto Entertainment Network TEN tv about 6-7 years. Now influencer in Instagram and youtube channel.
Philanthropy or Advocacy:
- many video clips for singers been so supportive also most of cultural events in Iranian cummunity
- Activist
- Support Human rights
- Producing movies and latest one with Kiosk band Sweet destiny executive producer , acting and voice actors. And designate the Iran Human rights for all it’s benefits
Other Notable Information:
Is Highly active in sports like , Running , weight training , kickboxing , Tennis and group bike riding